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Key Components of Design Thinking in Manufacturing

Design thinking is the process of focusing on the end user’s experience and matching people’s needs when developing new products. Adopting this process in a manufacturing facility is a way to gain a competitive advantage as factories are becoming more connected. Consumers are accustomed to technology that is easy to use in both their personal and professional lives.

The manufacturers that implement design thinking across applications with user experience in mind are at the forefront of innovation today. However, some companies may still need convincing.

Design Thinking

So, what does design thinking look like? Here are 5 key components of design thinking in manufacturing to keep in mind:

Observe End Users

In the past, manufacturers have focused strictly on product features, with less consideration on how the product was actually being used or what behaviors end users exhibited. Design thinking requires ample time actually observing end users and what they’re doing on the shop floor. Designers must watch end users in action during a wide variety of situations in which the product will eventually be used and look for patterns and imagine possible solutions based on what is seen.

Engage with End Users 

While observing end users, a design thinking process involves taking the time to have conversations with them and asking specific, targeted questions based on what is seen. It’s important to understand their mindset and why they do things the way they do. Then, designers imagine how the product will be used from the perspective of the end user.


Solving complex problems and creating complex manufacturing equipment requires a variety of input and opinions. Design thinking requires collaboration amongst anybody that would have insights as to which problems the product design will solve. Being in a collaborative mindset can help you make strides.

An Open Mind 

All product design ideas should be considered equally. Don’t discount any ideas outright and spend time carefully analyzing each. It could be a combination of different solutions that come together to create the best possible solution. This integrated thinking model of carefully analyzing all options and combining seemingly different ideas into one ideal solution is what allows for innovation.


Marginally improving an existing product will have a limited effect. Design thinking aims to create a new product that is much better than those created by its predecessors, addressing the large problems. In order to do so, manufacturers and designers must look at the big picture and think creatively to address the problem at hand.

Are you interested in exploring this topic and other innovations? Please get in touch for more information. 
