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Designing a Fluid Dispensing Assembly Process and Weight Control… you need a scale to start

It’s true that those who are interested in watching their weight may utilize a scale when first embarking on their goal. This is something that we have all either experienced or have heard about. The reason for this is that thy need to have a starting point and a way to measure results. This is why customers will benefit from designing a fluid dispensing assembly process. Here’s more information about this:

SmartDispenser® with Integrated Analytical Scale

In a somewhat similar manner, many of our fluid dispensing customers use the SmartDispenser®fully integrated with an analytical scale, especially when they are first designing a fluid dispensing process with an end product goal in sight. The reason for this is that the assembly of medical devices, electronics, LEDs and fiber optic cables often requires very small, precise, and repeatable  fluid dispense volumes.

For example, the amount of adhesive or other fluids that optimize the bond and product performance need to be determined during the design process.  It can be a laborious and time consuming step if the fluid dispenser is not integrated with a scale and able to electronically record the varying experimental amounts.

SmartDispenser®’s Communication Link

The SmartDispenser® and scales’ seamless communication link allows Process Design Engineers to do the following:

  1. observe the digital fluid readout amount immediately
  2. have the fluid dispenser automatically record  and document the data
  3. use the  fluid dispenser to print or export the results to Excel.

Here’s a look at a few recent customer comments about how the amount and the repeatability of fluid dispensed for the assembly of their products makes such a difference:

“the acoustical integrity of our speaker is affected by the amount of epoxy used to assemble it, the fluid dispensed has to be accurate and consistent…”

“the overall weight of a catheter is a critical aspect of  its’ utilization, every component and fluid dispensed (adhesive) used to assemble it has to be measured and added in…”

“the amount of reagent fluid dispensed on our test strips has a direct effect on the results of the test, it has to be exact and repeatable…”

“every fiber optic cable used in any type product that is going into a mission critical defense or NASA related application, is weighed and measured precisely, any added weight, even as much as an extra milligram of fluid dispensed in the connector assembly could effect a space vehicles’ performance….”

As you can see, measuring weight with a scale is critical, especially in the process design phase. Weight control is an important component when dispensing fluid. Get in touch with us to find out more.